Sunday 25 November 2012


       Living far away from home for higher education in colleges or universities, many students have to seek for a convenience accommodations. With the changes in the environment, students have to adapt themselves with it. One of the changes is living or shares their rooms with others whom they never meet before.
       In this society, there are many kinds of peoples carry with different characteristics and personalities. It is good to have an ideal roommate but it is difficult to get along with a new roommate who comes from a different background, cultures and religion.
      Firstly, a good roommate should be understood. Students will face a lot of stressful things in adapting their life in a new environment or handling their academics subjects in their studies. It is ideal to have a roommate who have many things in common and are considerate and understanding. Therefore, they can communicate, share and learn with each other in a comfortable and relax environment. For example, students would like to study in a silence place. It would be very annoyed and disturbed if their roommates often chit chat or listen to loud music and will easily cause lots of conflicts and arguments.  
       Secondly, honesty and responsibility are two other good characteristics of an ideal roommate. Trustworthy is the most important to all of the people in this society. It is easy for a student to share a room with a stranger, but once they have lost the trust at their roommate, they will never rest assured. Therefore, to prevent missing of the goods and assets, they have to be aware and take good care of it instead of blaming or suspect each other. 
        Responsibility is also one of the habits which students must practice in their daily life. It is very difficult to live with a lazy and irresponsible roommate. Just imagine if we live with roommates who never do chores, tidy up their studying corner or bed, or cleaning a bathroom, it will cause a lot of problems and arguments. Some more, students can’t even concentrate on their studies in a messy and uncomfortable room. To practice the habits of responsibility and to avoid such incident, students have to be self-discipline and do a cleaning schedule, in order to take turns to keep the room clean and tidy.

        Third, a good roommate should be friendly and welcoming. It is good to have a positive and cheerful friend in our life. No doubt, they will lets us feel relax and comfortable. It is also good to have a friend which have common interest among themselves, so that they will feel their life become meaningful, colorful and memorable. A friend with positive thinking can help a lot too. Here is one of the example, students will feel unhappy and helpless when they face some difficult issue. So, with a positive thinker, they will try to enlighten and understand their friends. They also willing to provide their opinions or share their experiences with their friends as a reference, as it may help to solve their difficulties too.
       A considerate roommate makes students feel at home. Homesick is the most common thing which we can see from students who live far away from family or siblings. For students, they will desire for care and love from each other. Just an example, when they are sick, they will feel comfort and thankful when they are under a good care of their roommates. Other than that, a good and generous roommate can be a good listener too. They can share their happiness or hardship together. Sometimes, students might have some minor mistakes on their daily life, so students will need a generous roommate to forgive them and to ensure that the mistake wouldn’t be repeated.
       Being an ideal roommate with students, everything will become much better and smooth. Why do I say so? This is because, when students face different kind of obstacles or difficult situations in their life or academic subjects, with their assist, caring and advice, they can solve their problems in an easy way within a very short term.
        Conclusion, an ideal roommate should be an understanding, trustworthy, responsibility and considerate person. No doubt, students will find a lot of troublesome and difficulties by living with a new roommate at the first time. However, it is not till the end. As the time flies, they will well-known each other by understanding their family background, through their lifestyle, cultures, religions and so on. From here, they can find out that, a good partner will overcome and face every single thing or difficulties in their life. Furthermore, they will appreciate what they have gain in their life for the years of studies and living with a strangers. The most they will never regret which they have owned a memorable and value friendship in their life. 


帧情 said...

may i be ur roomate??
i'll be an super ideal roomate,haha:)

Unknown said...

=.= i also can be ur ideal roomate...

Unknown said...

It's excellent!

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